I Introduce
Nancy Ahn
1) Tell me about your interest in photographing animals and people.
I enjoy photographing animals and people because I'm capturing a little glimpse into who they are. One image won't define them, but shows a brief moment in their life, whether it be good or bad. There's an honesty about it...like "this is who I am".
I used to be weary of photographing people, scared to approach them, thinking I may offend or impose upon them. It wasn't until shooting the SF march protesting the war years ago (thanks Elena & Emilio for the invitation!!!) that I realized as long as I keep it real people don't mind being photographed. Most times they have something to say and want to have their voices heard. I feel it's my duty as an artist to do just that.

I used to be weary of photographing people, scared to approach them, thinking I may offend or impose upon them. It wasn't until shooting the SF march protesting the war years ago (thanks Elena & Emilio for the invitation!!!) that I realized as long as I keep it real people don't mind being photographed. Most times they have something to say and want to have their voices heard. I feel it's my duty as an artist to do just that.

I don't consider myself a painter, but I do dabble in it here and there. When I do, I like clean lines and solid color blocks, very graphic and technical. If you asked me to paint something expressive, I'd have a panic attack and run in the opposite direction.
I enjoy seeing other artists' mixed media pieces, depending upon the subject and execution. I haven't worked much in it myself because I like to focus on one technique at a time, putting all my energy and thought into it. I get bored much too easily so the simpler the procedure, the more likely I'll finish the project.

3) What/who inspires you?
I get inspiration from just about anything...a good example of this is a recent "sister date day" I had with Jenny. We set off to SF to check out the Richard Avedon show at the MOMA. My nose tingled with the onset of tears, seeing one of my favorite photogs' work.
It was incredibly inspiring to look eye to eye with the endless amount of portraits he had taken over the years. I experienced all over again, the reason WHY I am a photographer. Leaving the SFMOMA, Jenny and I giggled with delight, when we noticed the sidewalk pavement was sparkly as if someone had dusted glitter all over it. The sun was hitting it at just the right angle, making it glisten and us turn into two little girls again. Sometimes it's the subtleties in everyday life that keep me inspired.
4)What else are you working on?
Last month, Jenny and I had a show at Black & Brown, showcasing my drawings and her paintings. I was really nervous. Since starting photography in college, I haven't drawn much, and my confidence in doing so has dwindled dramatically. The show was a success and everyone that came out was stoked!
I also just tackled my first attempt at creating apparel. For Halloween, I was "Max" from "Where the Wild Things Are" and created the entire getup from scratch. It was scary and exciting all at the same time. :)
I constantly have project ideas running through my head, but am an extremely lazy procrastinator (bad combo) so a lot of times, my projects may not be executed for years. Other times, I'll start a project and not finish it. I have a good collection of those...maybe I can propose a show: "unfinished works" by nancy ahn. hmmmmmm...
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