1) What is your photography about?
There really isn't anything I like to target. In most cases, I just have my camera and shoot something that is interesting to me at that moment. I like to photograph a little bit of everything...people afar and close up, places with character and things that sometimes may seem unusual to me.

2) When did you start taking pictures/Why?
I really started back in high school with a point and shoot. I photographed everything my friends and I did, family activities and Charlie, our family golden retriever back then. I miss him.
3)What has been most challenging for you?
Walking right up to people and taking their portrait...especially in vulnerable situations. I don't do well at funerals, hospitals for example...as a photographer, I want to capture the moment but as a human being, I want to respect people's privacy.

Working in the darkroom. Most photographers are in the digital world but I'm old school like that...I love the smell of chemicals, film and photo paper!

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